I have had such adult ADD or maybe a case of mom brain today. I was trying to clean things up around here a bit. You know the drill, laundry, dishwasher, put stuff away, etc. I would find myself working on one thing then all of a sudden I was organizing a drawer in another room. Every time I went to put something away I would start cleaning out that space. Needless to say I got a whole lot of random things done all over the house but nothing you can really put your finger on. Do you ever have those days? Today among other things I was working on my pantry labels, which I hope to have finished and hung tomorrow so I can post pictures. I did finally get the living room done enough that I can share some pics with you. For some before pics go
Well here it is......
my formal living room. I wanted more of a comfy room to curl up and read a book rather than a lat-ti-da living room. We tend to be pretty casual around here. Now keep in mind I was using pretty much what I had so there are a few things that still need to be tweeked a bit. For instance, the denim sofa. It is from our formal living room in Florida, as is the white silk chair. They are both about 12 years old and while they have held up amazingly well they both are in need of a reupholster. Not in the budget at the moment so I'll have to make due. I need to find something to go above the sofa, just not sure what. I did paint the end table and the glass front cabinet. They were both a finished pine color. Great for Florida, not so much for Georgia. Here is a closer look at the end table.

I love the black distressed look. The lamp needs to be changed or painted or something (open for suggestions here). The picture frame is one I did back in Florida but still one of my favorites. It was a TJ Maxx clearance find. Peach with a whitewash over it. Now I am not a peach kind of girl but I thought the frame was pretty so I bought it and did what any crafty girl would do. I painted it. Then I added silver leafing, a little antiquing, a little magic. Wa-la, a frame that I love.
The only new purchase for the room was this rug. It does have some blue in it (doesn't show in the picture very well) so the sofa doesn't look quite so out of place. When I first brought it home we still had builder beige walls. It looked so dark but my neighbor told me to keep it and I am so glad I did. With the new soft gold color on the walls it pulls the gold out in the rug and really looks good.

Well this shot looks a little blah. I still have to work on some sort of window treatment and would love any ideas you have for that as well.
Here is the ceiling we painted. Yep, it is a high one and with such funny angles. My head still kinks to one side after painting that thing.
As you can see the living and dining rooms are a work in progress but they are certainly a whole lot warmer and more inviting than they were a month ago.